Sugar Hill Christian Academy offers students several opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities.
Students in the 6th-12th grades, have the opportunity to participate in the athletic program. Sugar Hill Christian Academy offers the following athletic teams:
- FALL: Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Cross Country, Men’s Cross Country, Men’s Soccer
- WINTER: Women’s Basketball and Men’s Basketball, Cheerleading, Majorettes, Archery
- SPRING: Women’s Soccer, Golf

In all things we do, including athletics, we hope to bring glory to God.
As Christians, we are commanded to be different from the world around us, and this should be reflected on the field or court as we play. As our teams and coaches establish goals, they should have no goal greater than glorifying God. We, as representatives of Christ, should have obviously different attitudes and actions. We should strive to be a witness in all we do and not to turn others away from Christ due to our ungodly actions.
In order to obtain our main objective, to be a representative of Christ and glorify Him in all we do, we strive to demonstrate:
When we are called by God to live in a certain manner, this includes when we are participating in athletic events. In ALL we do, we should strive to glorify him, even on the athletic field. Although athletics provides the opportunity for competition, our duty to God still comes above all else.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
The Bible instructs Christians to place our worth in the value that is given to us by Christ. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and our worth should not be based on our athletic ability but rather by our value in Christ’s eyes.
Throughout the Bible, there are ample examples of people facing struggles, losses, hardships and more. God blesses His people through hardships and teaches His people lessons through how these hardships are handled. This can be applied to how we handle defeats as an athlete. Athletes can learn humility, and how to improve. Coaches and parents should serve as role models to students in how to handle defeat in a Godly way. However, when the Lord blesses us with overcoming defeat, the glory should be to Him and not to our own ability. We should strive to do our very best at all times and then allow God’s perfect will to take over.
“So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”
I Peter 4:19
God has provided us with many opportunities and means of learning His truths as we grow in Him. Athletics is just one of the many outlets. Through physical fitness and learning coordination, we keep our bodies, His temple, healthy and more able to glorify Him. We also learn humility, trust, love, and are able to form a bond with other Christians. As coaches, it is our duty to provide an environment where athletes can not only learn the skill of the game but all of God’s lessons that can be learned through playing, working together, and strengthening our bodies.
“For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
I Timothy 4:8